Shipping And Handling - Some items are shipped directly from our supply chain and some are from our warehouse, for this reason your order may arrive in multiple packages. You can collect in person from our premises in Hertfordshire EN11 0EU Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.00pm, Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. We do not open at weekends or Bank Holidays and have a closure during the Christmas shutdown period.
Returns ;The customer will be responsible for the cost of returning the goods and a 10% restocking fee.
Accepting Deliver by Carrier - Your purchase will be checked before packing and will leave us in good condition. It will then be fully insured whilst in transit to you. However it is a condition of the insurance contract, and therefore your responsibility to ensure that you, or anyone receiving goods on your behalf, check all goods delivered by carrier before signing for and accepting them. If ANY damage is found, you MUST sign and mark the carriers delivery note as 'damaged' and report to us within 24hrs of delivery.
If the delivery note has been signed for as 'accepted in good condition', or in any other way then you will be in breach of this contract and by effectively invalidating the insurance you will have waived all right to claim for any repair or replacement.
Delivery Schedule - Approximate turnround and lead times are shown alongside the individual products on our website. Please also allow for your chosen delivery method. If a delivery date is very important please contact us first and we will be happy to advise if we can meet your requirements.
We will use our best endeavours to deliver at the time stated but all delivery dates shall be regarded at best as estimates only. As the purchaser you must accept the actual delivery date and we shall not be liable for any losses, costs, damages or expenses suffered by you the purchaser or any other party as a result of any delay in delivery. Especially in cases where third parties i.e. subcontractors or carriers are involved. Neither will any such failure to meet a delivery date constitute a breach of contract on our part.